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Ever since I can remember, I have always been a morning person. There is something so inspiring to me about the morning of a brand new day. Another day to do things the same, or differently, however I want. Did not like how yesterday went? Today, you can do things differently and change that. Liked how yesterday went? Today, you can repeat yesterday’s habits and do it again.
Throughout the years, I have acquired morning habits or “rituals” (as some might say) that keep me in a positive mindset for the rest of the day. Today, I am sharing these with you in hopes of sharing my joy for mornings.
1. Quiet Time
This can be a tough one once you have kids, but I find that it is super important in my daily mindset for the rest of the day. If you are someone who has to get up and be “on” immediately, I suggest getting up just a few minutes before that to give yourself some minutes of quiet. I generally wake up in a good mood but I have noticed that if right when I wake up I am bombarded with questions or needs (from anyone, kids or my spouse!) it can get me into a more negative mindset and I am frustrated more easily. I find that even if I get up at the same time as my daughter, having a few minutes of silence is extremely beneficial. It gives me time to wake up and ease into the day. Just a few short minutes of quiet are so important.
2. Get Dressed

This is a personal one that I have found works wonders for me. I try to do this every single day but of course, with kids, there are days where it takes me longer to accomplish. Being a stay at home mom has it’s perks, but one of the things I noticed can be difficult is not always having something to do or somewhere to go. It can be easy to get into the routine of staying in your pajamas all day. I’ve committed to getting out of my pajamas every morning and it is great for my mental state. I feel so much more productive even if we do not have any plans for the day.
One of my favorite things to do in the morning is to get dressed. This does not mean jeans or a fancy outfit, but getting out of the clothes I slept in and into a more put together outfit for the day makes me feel so, so, much more productive! It helps me mentally feel like the day has begun and I am ready to accomplish anything I need to get done. For the most part, this is usually just a clean loungewear or athleisure outfit that makes me feel good!
Here you can see an example of my daily outfits. Super easy, simple, comfortable, but ready for the day.
3. Put Makeup On
I also make an effort to take five minutes in the morning and put my makeup on. Now, I am an extremely simple person when it comes to daily makeup. Most days, I just make sure my eyebrows are penciled in and apply a bit of mascara. It takes me such a small amount of time but I feel so much better beginning my day! I love going through the day knowing that if I need to run an errand or answer the door, I am ready at any time and put together. On the super simple makeup days, I use my Elf eyebrow pencil in neutral brown and my Maneater mascara. You can find a simple get ready with me video here.
I do these things within minutes of getting up each morning. I do not enjoy having things that I “need to do” throughout the day, so I prefer to do it right away when I wake up and then those things are checked off the daily “to-do” list.
Extra Bonus Tip: Warm Lemon Water

If you’re feeling up to it and want to take an extra step, try a cup of warm lemon water in the morning.
I love coffee so much and I drink it every day. It’s one of the most exciting things about the morning to me. But, before that, having a cup of warm water with fresh lemon juice bright and early allows me to begin my morning in a relaxing and calm way. I feel like I am nourishing my body before eating anything for the day and getting my digestive system going! It’s super simple and a great way to start your day.
These are super simple and fast ways to begin your days positively! Let me know if you do any of these or if you begin to implement any of these tips.
What are some of your favorite ways to start your day? Let me know in the comments below!